
Getting Started


  1. Download the latest version of the package from the releases page.
  2. Login to your DNN instance as the Host user and go to the Host > Extensions section of the PersonaBar. Extensions section of the PersonaBar
  3. Select the Install Extension button and upload the zip file you downloaded in the previous step. Install Extension button
  4. Go through the steps and install the extension.
  5. Go to a page on your site and add the VideoJs module to the page. add the VideoJs module to the page drop the module in a pane on the page
  6. Select “Edit Video” from the module settings drop down menu. add the VideoJs module to the page
  7. Enter the title of the video.
  8. Select the poster image for the video or upload a new poster image. This is optional, if left blank the player will be a blank black screen with the play button in the middle.
  9. Select the video file to play. This can be a local file or a file from the file manager. You may need to configure your DNN instance to accept large file uploads.
  10. Select the close captioning file to use. This can be a local file or a file from the file manager. As of version 1.0, only .vtt files are supported. This is optional, if left blank no close captioning will be used. If you are using .vtt files, you will most likely need to allow them to be uploaded to the file system (see “Allow .vtt File Type” section below). Edit video page
  11. Click Update.
  12. Enjoy!


The module settings has three check boxes.

Allow .vtt File Type

  1. Select the Host –> Security section from the Persona Bar Host > Security in Persona Bar
  2. Select the “More” tab.
  3. Add “,vtt” to the Allowable File Extensions if you are allowing Admins to upload the .vtt files. Add “,vtt” to the Default End User Extension Whitelist if you are going to allow other users besides admins to upload. Host > Security > More settings
  4. Click “Save” at the bottom

Increase Max File Size for Uploads

The max file size of DNN by default is only 20MB which is not usually enough for videos. You can increase the upload size by following these directions.